
Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

Cara Mudah Belajar 16 Tenses

By 04.39
Mungkin anda pernah belajar 16 tenses, dan perasaan anda masih binggung dengan belajar tenses. bagaiama supaya bisa menguasa 16 tenses dengan mudah. sebenernya saya mempunya cara yang lebih mudah bagaimana belajar 16 tenses dengen sederhana dan mudah di mengerti.
Mungkin teman-teman pernah belajar tenses sebelumnya contohnya di kelas 7 SMP anda pernah belajar Tenses, Simple Present Tense dan itu yang pertama kalian belajar tenses, dan ketika kalian menginjak kelas 8 SMP kalian baru belajar Simple Past Tesnse dan Present Continouse Tense. mungkin anda masih mengingat materi itu? atau paham betul dengan materi itu, dan menginjak kelas 9 SMP kalian baru belajar Presen Perfect Tense dan Present Future Tense.

Belajar tensis itu tidak bisa instan harus mempunyai step-step supaya kita bisa paham dan mengerti apa fungsinya. banyak siswa yang kebut semalam menghapal tesnse dengan waktu sehari dua hari, dan alhasi, hasilnya pun mengecewakan. Mulailah dari sekarang membuat catatan-catatan harian kalian karena itu bisa membantu kalian dalam mengingat pelajaran dalam jangka waktu yang begitu lama dan hasilnyapun effective.

1. Buatlah anda paham dalam materi dasar yaitu Simple Present Tense, Simple Present Tesnes mungkin materi ini tidak asing buat kalian karena simple present tense adalah tenses yang kita gunakan sehari-hari. atau kebiasaan sehari-hari, contohnya My mother cokes rich everyday. nah itu adalah kalimat yang biasa digunakan sehari-hari atau berulang-ulang contoh lain I usually go to school at 7 e'clock in the morning, saya biasa pergi ke sekolah jam 7 di pagi hari. Itu adalah kebiasaan yang berulang dan biasa di lakukan. dan rumus dari Simple Present Tense:

Rumus Simple Present Tense
untuk Subyk : I, You, We, They
                       Subject + V 1 + O
untuk Subyek : He, She, It
                       Subyek  +V 1 S/es

Mungkin kalian malas kalau membaca materi bahasa inggris karena bahasanya formal dan rumusnya yang aga membosankan, apalagi menghahafalnya. mulailah dengan memotivasi diri dengan mudah mencatat sedikit-demi sedikit tentang materi Simple Present Tense. saya akan jelaskan dulu sedikit tentang rumus Simple Present Tense, yang pertama subyek untuk I, you, we dan they kata kerjanya tidak di tambahakan contohnya "kami datang ke pesta ulang tahun roni" di ubah kedalam bahasa Inggris "We come to Roni's birthday party. disana kata kerjanya tidak berubah.

Untuk subject dari He, She, it maka kata kerjanya ditambahkan akhiran "s" atau "es" contohnya: Dia laki-laki membeli mobil baru tahun ini. dalam bahasa Inggris "He buys a new car this year" di sini kata kerjanya di tambahkan dengan akhiran "s" asal kata kerjanya buy + s = buys itu khusus untuk subyeknya yang He, she dan it. mudah-mudahan bermanfaat ya teman-teman :)


Selasa, 10 November 2015

Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Education Specch

By 17.51
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

I thank God for giving the health and time to share a knowledge on this historic day, the day of national education.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Indonesia is a big country, inhabited by hundred of millions people include island spread widely, we have been independent since 1945, but I think Indonesia is not yet independent in terms of education. Although we have changed it almost every years, but it proved that the Indonesia education has not been able to print a great human resources class as developed countries.

Ladies and Gentlemen

I tired to draw a line to the black, and I get the irony which is really disappointing. in this very rich country, there are so many students drop out of school do not have uniform, and swim to go to school because of the broken bridge, it is an irony in the midst of our state assets.

Statistics of school building damaged and not been improved are also too much, it is happening in the province that are far away from the center of government and gives continuing negative effect on education system in the province itself.

Of course, a child who does not get an education will have difficulties in achieving a better stander of living in his future. You've seen that a lot of ignorance and poverty arise because so many crimes arising from poverty.

Ladies and Gentlemen

Therefore, let us together to be students and teachers that are diligent, sincere, and keep trying without the unyielding. we are Indonesia, a rich country that should have the best education. Do not give up on struggle in gaining an independence education.

Education is a major key to get a better state order. through proper and best education, we are able to print high quality human resources eradicate ignorance, and destroy poverty.

I would like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to convey these short useful massage.
Thank for all attention,

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Terjemahan dari Pidato di atas.

Assalam'ualaikum Wr. Wb.

Saya bersyukur kepada Allah karena telah di berikan kesehatan serta waktu berdiri untuk berbagi ilmu pada sebuah hari sejarah yaituh hari Pendidikan Nasional.

Bapak Ibu yang saya hormati
Indonesia merupakan sebuah negara besar yang dihuni oleh ratusan jutaan orang dengan ratusan pulau terbentang secara luas. kita telah merdeka sejak tahun 1945, namun saya rasa Indonesia belum merdeka dalam hal pendidikan. Meskipun kita telah berganti kuriculum hampir setiap tahun, tetapi bahwa bukti pendidikan Indonesia masih belum mampu barsaing secara keseruruhan dengan negara-negara maju. kita cenderung tertinggal dan belum mampu mencetak daya manusia sekelas negara-negara maju.

Bapak Ibu yang saya hormati,

saya mencoba menarik sebuah garis ke belakang, dan saya mendapat ironi yang sungguh mengecewakan di negara yang sangat kaya ini, masih banyak siswa putus sekolah, tidak memiliki seragam, dan berenang untuk mencapai pergi ke sekolah karena jembatan rusak. Itu adalah sebuah ironi di tengah-tengah kekayaan kita.

satistik mengenai bangunan sekolah yang rusak dan belum mengalami perbaikan juga begitu banyak. hal ini begitu banyak terjadi di propinsi yang berbeda hauh dari pusat pemerintahan dan menjadi dampak buruk bagi sistem pendidikan di propinsi itu sendiri.

Seorang anak yang tidak mendapatkan pendidikan tentu saja mengalami kesulitan dalam mencapai taraf hidup yang lebih baik di masa yang akan datang. Anda telah melihat bahwa banyak kemiskinan tumbuh karena kebodohan dan begitu juga kejahatan timbul karena kemiskinan.

Bapak Ibu yang saya hormati,

Pendidikan adalah sebauah kunci utama menuju tantangan negara yang lebih baik. mulai pendidikan yang tepat dan menyeruruh, kita mampu mencetak sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas memberantas, kebodohan dan menghancurkan kemiskinan.

Oleh karena itu, mari kita sama-sama menjadi siswa dan guru yang tekun, ikhlas dan terus mencoba tanpa pantang menyerah. kita adalah Indonesia, sebuah negara kaya yang seharusnya mempunyai pendidikan terbaik.

Jangan menyerah pada nasib banggsa kita saat ini, terus berjuang mendapatkan kemerdekaan pendidikan saya mengucapkan terimakasih kepada anda semua karena telah diberi kesempatan untuk mencapai pesan berguna ini.
Terimakasih atas perhatiannya

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Lagu Hello Adele New song 2015

By 01.26
Lirik lagu Adele
[Verse 1]
Hello, it's me
I was wondering if after all these years
You'd like to meet, to go over everything
They say that time's supposed to heal ya
But I ain't done much healing
Hello, can you hear me?
I'm in California dreaming about who we used to be
When we were younger and free
I've forgotten how it felt before the world fell at our feet
There's such a difference between us
And a million miles

Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times to tell you
I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried to tell you
I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

[Verse 2]
Hello, how are you?
It's so typical of me to talk about myself
I'm sorry, I hope that you're well
Did you ever make it out of that town
Where nothing ever happened?
It's no secret
That the both of us are running out of time

Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times to tell you
I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried to tell you
I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore

Ooooohh, anymore
Ooooohh, anymore
Ooooohh, anymore

Hello from the other side
I must've called a thousand times to tell you
I'm sorry, for everything that I've done
But when I call you never seem to be home
Hello from the outside
At least I can say that I've tried to tell you
I'm sorry, for breaking your heart
But it don't matter, it clearly doesn't tear you apart anymore


Selasa, 22 September 2015

Contoh Puisi Bahasa Inggris The Sick Rose

By 01.33
this is the poetry of The sick Rose by written by William Blake.
The Sick Rose (William Blake)

O, Rose thou art sick
The Invisible worm
That flies in the night
In the howling storm

Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy
And his dark secret love
does thy life destroy


Selasa, 08 September 2015

Contoh Mengajar Bahasa Inggris mengunakan Metode Snowball Trhowing

By 09.47
This is method to teach English by using Snowball Trhowing, this method is simple and easy. if you teach English by using Snowball Trhowing, the students will be happy and interest when you are teaching in the class. you have to know the steps by using method Snowball trhowing.

There are steps by using Snowball Trhowing, according to Suprijono (Hijbullah, 2011:10) are:
1. The teacher give an appreciation (brainstrom students to material that will given).
2. The teacher tell the function of the study process.
3. Make a group, and call the readers of groups to give them a briefing.
4. The teacher tell the rules to the readers of groups.
5. The reader back to their groups an tell the member about explanation from the teacher.
6. All students are given a paper sheet.
7. Student squeezing the paper becomes a ball shape or maybe be folded become a plane shape or another shapes.
8. The ball or another shapes is thrown to other students in random and in the unspecified of amount and timing.
9. Students open the paper sheet that in a ball or another shapes,
10. Students answer the question.
11. The teacher and students discuss the all of the questions and answers together.
12. And the last the teacher give the summary together with students.

Based on explanation above, that the Snowball Trhowing is a good method for teaching English in the class. this method is simple and easy, and the students will be motivated by using Snowball Trhowing.


Sabtu, 05 September 2015

Contoh Proposal Bahasa Inggris Mengajar Simple Past Tense Menggunakan Lagu

By 09.38

Chapter 1

A. Background

English is an international language , need to be taught for the development of science and technology, cultural and also the relationship between countries in this world. it plays an important role for special function like education, science, technology, and other fields of life. Because of the importance of English, it needs to give attention to the English teaching language.
Grammar is a total set of signals which give language expresses its meaning or the total of structure of language. The teacher should give students new methods in order to make them, easy and memorable about the material especially grammar. To teach English language, teachers usually use certain method of teaching. However based on the historical perspective, language teaching methods change through out history. These changes depend on the proficiency that the learner need, such as the goal of language study. Therefore, any appropriate methods of language teaching should be used in order to to find more effective ways of teaching English.

Learning English is not easy for Indonesia learners. One of the obstacles that they generally face is the grammar or the language rules. On the other hand, they to encounter it because it is one the compulsory lessons in school from the elementary level to the highest one. Among several method of the teaching English, this study interested in the use of the English Lyric song as one of the language teaching techniques. Teacher should motivate their student so that student will find language learning as pleasurable and relaxed activity. In addition, they can help their student by giving practice in language while keeping the class lively and interesting. the writer uses English lyric song improving mastery of simple past tense.

The teacher should give student new method in order to make them enjoyable, easy and memorable about material especially grammar. In this case. The writer to introduce the new method in the learning grammar (simple past tense) by English lyric song as teaching media. The activity will introduce the method to student in senior high school a research gives the title THE TEACHING SIMPLE PAST TENSE BY USING LYRIC ENGLISH SONG

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature
A. The Definition of Grammar

Grammar is the rule of a language that shows how sentence are formed, or how word area inflected ( Grammar is also the rules of means of language to construct the sentences and it guides people how to speak and write correctly. When someone knows how to construct sentences are utterance in understandable form. Grammar is way in which words change themselves and group together to make a sentences. According Jeremy Harmers (2002 )said that the grammar of language is the description of the ways in which word can change their forms and can be combined in to sentences in that language. The grammar of language is happens to words when they become plural or negative, or what order is used when we make question or join two clauses to make one sentence.

B. The Simple Past Tense

According to Azar (1993:18) The simple past tense is used to talk about activities or situations that being and end in the past. (e.g yesterday last night, two day ago, in 1990). According to Azar (1993:24) The simple past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a particular time in the past.

The kind, Usage, and Example of simple past tense
1. Completed action in the past
Use the simple past to express the idea that action started and finished at s specific time in the time the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.

· I saw a movie yesterday.
· I did not see a play last night.
· She washed her car.
· Did you have dinner last night?

C. Media
a. Definition of media

The word “media” is derived from latin Medias that mean “between” or mediator. Media is any kind of format used to convey information. Gerlach and Ely (1980) state that media is any person, material or event that establishes condition which learners or students to acquire knowledge, skill and attitude. Every medium is a mean to an end to goal, for example in this study the writer use English song to teach grammar especially simple past tense

b. Definition of Lyric

Lyric is simply words of a song, the lyric or song text roles do not only as a complement of the song but also as important part of the musical elements which determine the theme, character and mission of the song

D. Song

a. Definition of Song 

All song are meant to be sung, or spoken aloud. It is important to students to hear a good model to start with. It is vocal elements that bring a song to live. So that the importance of proving a first- role model on first hearing cannot be overemphaszed. That is the time when the students can be bought to perceive songs as something pleasurable. Song is a short musical work set to a poetic text with equal importance given to music and to the words. It may be written for one or several voices and is generally performed with instrument accompaniment ­(Encyclopedia)

Chapter III
Instruction and Procedural Activity of the English Lyric Song:

1. The teacher asks material of the simple past tense to remind or to measure the ability of the student.
2. The teacher explains about function, content and formula of simple past tense.
3. The teacher gives English lyric song as exercise of simple past tense.
4. The teacher asks student to underline or to circle the sentence which content of simple past tense.
5. The teacher chooses one of the student to mention verb and sentence which content of simple past tense in English lyric song.
6. The teacher discusses together with the student the result of exercise by using English lyric song
7. After that the teacher plays English song to refresh the mind of student.

Chapter VI
Conclusion and Suggestion
A. Conclusions
The conclusion can be draw from this activity to teach simple past tense by using English lyric song are.
1. The student can understand the material about simple past tense easily.
2. The student can identify the material more fun.
3. The student can remember the vocabulary in the long term and to understand the massage of lyric song more deeply.
4. To help student more interested and enjoy in studying simple past tense by English lyric song.
5. To help student to understand the vocabulary more effective.

B. Suggestion
Based on the result of this activity with positively indicates that there is positive effect on the use of English song technique in teaching simple past. Some recommendations for the teaching and learning English are proposed as follows:

1. For the Teachers
There are some recommendations in teaching learning English. First, the English teachers must be creative when he/she transfers the knowledge of English to the students, so the students can easily receive and understand the materials. Second, it is necessity for the English teachers give motivation to the students. Third, it will be better if English teacher

finds out the appropriate and interesting technique related to the material. Besides, to give contribution to English teacher that teaching simple past using English lyric song is more interesting and brings in relaxation.

2. For the Students
The use of English song medium will help the students understand simple past easily. So, the students can improve their achievement in mastering English grammar.


______. Grammar. retrieved from (Accessed on 26th May 2015)
Azhar Arsyad. 2003. Media Pembelejaran., Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
Encyclopedia, 1977. Encyclopedia Americana.
Gerlach and Ely. 1980. Teaching and Media a Systematic Approach. New York: Prentice-hall,Inc.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. " Using Music in the ESL Classroom". retrieved from (accessed on 26th May 2015.
Jeremy Harmer. 2002. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New York: Longman.
Tim Murphey. 2002. Music and Song. New York: Oxford University Press.
Types of Songs, . retrieved from (accessed on 26th May 2015.

Contoh Riwayat Hidup dalam Bahasa Inggris

By 09.26


Name                             : Rudiansah Sidik Permana
Address                         : Panyirapan Street No. 61
Contact Number           : 0819104xxxx
Place, Date of Birth      : Bandung, March, 5, 1981
Sex                                : Male
Marital Status               : Single
Religion                        : Islam
Nationality                    : Indonesia


1. 1997- 2003 State Elementary School 2 Panyirapan
2. 2003- 2006 Junior High Schoo Yamisa
3. 2007- 2009 Senior High School MAYamisa
4. 2009- Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University (UIN) Bandung


· April 2013- 2015 English teacher at SMP N1 Bandung
· August 2013 English Course at Smart Jawa Timur Kediri
· October 2013 English Course at Kresna Jawa Timur Kediri
· April 2010- 2011 English Course at Queen Margahayu Bandung

This is to state that above information is true and provided here by me, all good faith.

                                                                                                           Sincerely yours

                                                                                                           Rudiansah Sidik Permana